As a member of the Aldridge Education family of schools, our Local Governing Committee is part of the overall governance structure of the multi-academy trust.  Please see the Aldridge Education website for further information on Governing Policies and Accountability.

Local Governing Committee

Governor NameType of Governor (Appointed by)Date of AppointmentTerm of OfficeMeeting Attendance – School Year 2023/24
(number of meetings attended out of total possible)
Declared Business and Pecuniary Interests (Date Last confirmed)
Ola AliLearner (Elected by Learners)1.12.2330.11.271/2(5.2.24) Nil
  Derek AndrewsLearner (Elected by Learners)1.12.2330.11.271/2(14.10.24) Zero hour employment at 1: Ridgeview Vineyard and 2: Brighton and Hove City Council Home to school transport
Chris Britton Chair of LGCTrust (Appointed by Trust)  18.7.2417.7.281/1(18.7.24) Employed by Reward Gateway
Jack DaviesTrust (Appointed by Trust) (2.10.24) Principal at Brighton Aldridge Community Academy
Nick FennPrincipal (Ex-officio, appointed by Trust)n/a3 /3(18.7.24) 1. Principal AAL (14.11.19) 2. Spouse M Fenn ad hoc contracts for design work (18.7.24)
Claire HooperStaff (Elected by staff)31.10.2230.10.263/3(18.7.24) Employed by AAL(26.10.23)
Vacancies –Trust Governors (3)    
Governors in the previous year
Jon RosserTrust22.6.22Resigned 17.9.243/318.7.24.Chair Single Homeless Project(25.10.23)
Mike Everett (Chair)Trust12.7.22Resigned 18.7.242/311.10.23 1. Mike Everett Consulting Ltd – director 2. Director Aldridge Enterprise Services Ltd

Contact information for the Chair of the Local Governing Committee is as follows:

Telephone: – 01273 422632
Address – Aldridge Adult Learning
Chalky Road
Portslade, Brighton
East Sussex
BN41 2WF