Are you a former adult student of the college? When did you take a course with us and what did you do?
Many of our former students tell us the impact that taking an adult education course has had on their lives. This may have been by opening up new horizons or by leading to a new job or a career change. Please write and tell us your story – even if it’s only in a few words.
It will help us to build up a picture of our former students and maybe, with your permission, we can publish them on our web site.
You can send us your comment by completing the following form. We look forward to hearing from you.
Get in
Touch with us
And let us know about your experience!
Currently our office is closed and our main phone number is not in use due to COVID-19 lockdown. Please email us instead.
Chalky Rd, Portslde, BN41 2WS
Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Part of Aldridge Education, Registered in England & Wales number: 05670663. Aldridge Education is a charitable limited company.